Special Offers! - Get 50% off on vegetables

sale 40% of on bulk shopping!

Our Team

We support enterprises that adopt, develop and market sustainable, cost-effective solutions for agricultural production, post-harvest and storage processing, including solar pumping, cooling, chilling and drying. These technologies result in saved costs, increased yields and local value capture for farmers or local agro enterprises. Our advice to businesses includes markets entry, product pricing, sales strategies, market assessments, payment solutions, route-to-market strategies and the agricultural value chain.

FUDCAPTAIN has divided its branches to the following in order to carry out a successful day to day service to our community.


Because of the magnitude of the business, our distribution unit will include,

  • Transport drivers from the farms
  • Transport drivers to clients
  • Delivery team
  • Procurement Managers
  • Marketing team
  • Accounting Department
  • Finance Department
  • Transport



Because of the establishment of the delivery system with our small online clients, it will be perfect to get our own riders who can handle delivery of items to clients. This division will be directly handled by the Transport department under the company. Also, individuals can also register on our APP to help maintain delivery at very far places and this platform will be opened to drivers, motorists and cyclers. Delivery will be assigned based on quantity purchased and distance.



Because of the amount of food crops, we will be working with, there is the need to set aside a procurement department that can follow purchasing and determine the rate at which food crops need to be bought and sold. They will also handle the buying and inspection of commodities in and out of the country.



In relation to our visions, we will need a marketing team that can push our vision beyond borders. Our team will also have to work effortlessly to stabilize our hold on all vending sale points and maintain good working relations with our online shops.



To match up with the workload on sales and other transactions, we will need an accounting department to do all transactions by keeping records and anticipating how to cut down cost whiles increasing productivity and profit.