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About Us


We partner with farming communities in every country we select to cultivate a food-secure future. Our co-op partners and the thousands of farming families we work with are equipped to put up good, healthy food tables every day.


What We Do

We believe that lasting solutions to hunger come from effective strategies that fit the community.

Fudcaptains’ approach is driven by the priorities and challenges of the families and communities we serve. Together, we create long-term, practical solutions to food insecurity that provide for income diversification, support adaptation to climate change, and improve livelihoods.

We support farmers to grow and manage their crops and when it’s harvesting time, they sell back to us at a very affordable rate. We then upload the available food crops submitted to us for sale on our website. The foodstuffs are so cheap, it’s just like purchasing directly from the farm.


More than 820 million people worldwide don’t have enough to eat, many of them in rural areas.

The major cities are usually hit with high food budgets due to the pyramid involved with food from the farm to the consumer which may comprise of not less than three business entities before getting to the consumer.

Small-scale farmers who depend on commodity crops, which do not deliver enough income to support their families, struggle to put food on their tables every year. Nutritious food is scarce, while an abundance of cheap, nutrient-deficient, calorie-rich food has left farming families malnourished.

By supporting farmers, we create a system where they do not have to go in for loans with high-interest rates but rather really on us for basic farming needs and in return, Fudcaptain gets to make a sizable purchase of farm produce at harvesting.

Because of this system, Fudcaptain farmers submit their seasonal farm produce to our company and we distribute it to the community on a very affordable budget.

A world where every family has enough nutritious food every day.

We partner with farming communities to cultivate a food-secure future

We partner with farming communities to cultivate a food-secure future

Our Mission & Vision

More than 820 million people around the world don’t have enough to eat, many of them in rural areas.

Small-scale farmers who depend on commodity crops, which does not deliver enough income to support their families, struggle to put food on their tables every year. Nutritious food is scarce, while an abundance of cheap, nutrient-deficient, calorie-rich food has left farming families malnourished.


We believe that every family should have enough nutritious food every day. That’s why we partner with coffee farmers, their families, and coffee co-ops and other farmer organizations to build thriving local food hubs, diversify family income, and promote sustainable farming practices that strengthen biodiversity and ecosystem resiliency throughout Latin America.


Our Vision

A world where every coffee-farming family has enough nutritious food every day.

Our Mission

We partner with coffee-farming communities to cultivate a food-secure future.


Our Core Values

Share to Scale

We advocate for families and communities. We aim to scale by sharing what we earn from working with our farmers with other communities and organizations.

Learning Organization

Our programs evolve as we partner with communities to co-design, implement, evaluate, and refine our work. We are committed to asking good questions and working with our partners to grow from our shared experience.

Compulsive About Collaboration

No single person or organization can solve the complex problems of high food prices in communities. That’s why we work with local partners who understand the challenges rural farming families face. We connect communities with the resources they need to follow their own path to success.

Champions for Local Solutions

We work FOR our community partners and their success. Our programs and strategies originate in the communities themselves and can be sustained locally over time.

Our programs have an impact far beyond food security. Less imported food aid and products means less transport, lower energy use, and positive climate change impact. We believe all communities can benefit from stronger local food systems that result in a more stable supply of healthy food and reduce less dependence on volatile markets